rock jazz中文什么意思

发音:   用"rock jazz"造句
  • rock:    n. 〔古语〕(手纺用)卷线杆。
  • jazz:    n. 1.爵士音乐,爵士舞(曲)。 ...
  • jazz rock:    爵士摇滚
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  1. Since the window of memory always has a sweet and unique day , let ' s 1 ) take the retrospective flea market to step on the journey of looking for treasures ; 2 ) awake the pen of dancing limbs by creative diy scrawling ; and 3 ) with dancing caf ? static photographing show 4 ) experience the creative dancing style when rock jazz encounters folks songs
    因为记忆的窗口,永远有甜美唯一的那一天,就藉由1 .怀旧的跳蚤市场踏上寻宝的旅程, 2 .创意diy涂鸦唤醒你肢体舞动的笔, 3 .舞蹈咖啡馆静态摄影展, 4 .体验当摇滚爵士遇上民谣小调时创新之舞蹈风格。


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